Pink otkrila svoj oporavak od koronavirusa i obećala milijunsku donaciju

Written by on 06/04/2020

Pink je na društvenim mrežama otkrila u petak da su se pjevačica i njezin mali sin testirali i da se otada ona oporavila od COVID-19. Pjevačica je također najavila da će donirati milijun dolara u fundove za borbu protiv koronavirusa.

Priču je podjelila na Instagramu: “Prije dva tjedna moj trogodišnji sin Jameson i ja pokazivali smo simptome COVID-19. Srećom, naš liječnik je imao pristup testovima i testirala sam pozitivno. Moja se obitelj već nalazila kod kuće i nastavili smo se izolirati posljednja dva tjedna slijedeći upute našeg liječnika. Prije samo nekoliko dana ponovno smo testirani i sada smo na sreću negativni.

Apsolutna je travestija i neuspjeh naše vlade što testiranja nisu široko dostupna. Ova je bolest ozbiljna i stvarna. Ljudi moraju znati da bolest utječe na mlade i stare, zdrave i nezdrave, bogate i siromašne. Moramo testiranje učiniti besplatnim i široko dostupnim kako bismo zaštitili svoju djecu, naše obitelji, prijatelje i naše zajednice.”

U svom postu Pink je dodala da će donirati milijun dolara, 500 tisuća će ići u Fond za hitne slučajeve Sveučilišne bolnice Temple (njena majka radila je u toj bolnici 18 godina) i u krizni fond za COVID-19 gradonačelnika Los Angelesa.

Pink se također zahvalila zdravstvenim radnicima i liječnicima širom zemlje i ponovila svojim obožavateljima: “Sljedeća dva tjedna su presudna: molim vas ostanite kod kuće. Molim vas. Ostanite. Doma.”

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Two weeks ago my three-year old son, Jameson, and I are were showing symptoms of COVID-19. Fortunately, our primary care physician had access to tests and I tested positive. My family was already sheltering at home and we continued to do so for the last two weeks following the instruction of our doctor. Just a few days ago we were re-tested and are now thankfully negative. It is an absolute travesty and failure of our government to not make testing more widely accessible. This illness is serious and real. People need to know that the illness affects the young and old, healthy and unhealthy, rich and poor, and we must make testing free and more widely accessible to protect our children, our families, our friends and our communities. In an effort to support the healthcare professionals who are battling on the frontlines every day, I am donating $500,000 to the Temple University Hospital Emergency Fund in Philadelphia in honor of my mother, Judy Moore, who worked there for 18 years in the Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplant Center. Additionally, I am donating $500,000 to the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Emergency COVID-19 Crisis Fund. THANK YOU to all of our healthcare professionals and everyone in the world who are working so hard to protect our loved ones. You are our heroes! These next two weeks are crucial: please stay home. Please. Stay. Home.❤️

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