Halsey je donirala 100 000 zaštitnih maski

Written by on 09/04/2020

Halsey je donirala 100 000 maski raznim bolnicama u Los Angelesu koje liječe pacijente s COVID-19.

Pjevačica je donaciju objavila na Instagramu: „Svakog dana se divim zdravstvenim radnicima na prvim crtama. Njihova odlučnost, nesebičnost i empatija su najbolji primjer naše sposobnosti da volimo i opstanemo kao ljudi. Iznimno sam privilegirana što se mogu samoizolirati doma, bez straha i obveze rada. Bez bolesnog člana obitelji za kojeg se trebam brinuti. Bez dijeteta koje trebam hraniti. Bez financijske krize. Pa sam pokušala pronaći pravi način da napravim razliku. “

FDA certificirane, troslojne maske nabavljene su iz tvornice u Guangzhouu u Kini uz pomoć tvrtke Orange International Inc. i bit će distribuirane “medicinskim stručnjacima i nemedicinskom osoblju” u Medicinskom centru Cedars-Sinai, Providence Saint Joseph, LAC + USC Medical Center i bolnici Martin Luther King Jr.

“Molim vas, ostanite kod kuće, ako možete”, dodala je Halsey. “Ako ste na prvoj liniji, moje srce je uz vas. I nastavit ću se boriti kako bih vam pomogla da dobijete potrebnu podršku i resurse.”

Potom je podijelila link za donaciju za neprofitnu organizaciju Give Directly, koja šalje izravne donacije obiteljima i rekla je da će osobno dati značajnu donaciju.

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Every single day I am in awe of the medical workers on the frontlines. Their determination, selflessness and empathy is the single greatest example of our capacity to love and survive as humans. I am beyond privileged to be self isolating in my home, without the fear and obligation of essential work employment. Without a sick family member to care for. A child to feed. A financial crisis to navigate. So I tried to find a real way to make a difference. I have acquired and purchased 100,000 FDA certified 3 ply masks (with the help of Orange International Inc who sourced the masks for me from a factory in Guangzhou, China) These masks will be distributed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Providence Saint Joseph, LAC+USC Medical Center, and Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital; for the medical professionals and non medical hospital staff who are working to put a stop to this pandemic and help millions of strangers they will never meet. Please continue to stay home, if you can. If you are on the frontlines, my heart is with you. And I will be continuing the fight to help you get the support and resources you need. 🤍🤍🤍 I am eager to redirect you to @givedirectly – A non-profit that allows you a way to give direct cash payments to vulnerable households in at risk communities, most of whom are single mothers. I will be making a sizeable donation, and encourage you to help in any way that you can. Special thanks to @anthonytomasli and the Li family, @jasonaron, PS Business Management, @fedex, and all the contacts at the hospitals who made this possible.

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